The Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers

Charitable giving

  • One third of grants go to charities involved with homelessness, youth training and community service, initiatives to promote spiritual renewal and to displays of ancient armour.
  • Two thirds of grants support Materials Science education from Primary School to research student level and beyond.
  • Some schemes are funded jointly with Corus (British Steel), British Alcan Aluminium and Isaac Newton Trust (Cambridge).
  • Strong links with Institute of Materials, Institute of Physics and Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Funding research into improving personal protection against knife attack.


  • The Guild of St. George of the Armourers was instituted in 1322 when regulations were laid down for control of the trade.
  • The Arms of the Brasiers' Company were joined with those of the Armourers after 1708.

Armourers Hall Situation

On the corner of Coleman Street and London Wall. Site occupied since 1346. (See map from MultiMap)


Contains a representative collection of Armour and Weapons of both English and foreign craftmanship. Outstanding examples of plate. Fine paintings, furniture of earlier centuries.


Armourer's and Brasiers Company
Armourers Hall,
81 Coleman Street,
Tel: +44 (0)171 606 1199


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